Bereavement Meals
Bereavement meals are provided after a funeral Mass for families in the parish who have experienced the loss of a loved one. All members of the parish are welcome to provide food or help with set-up and/or clean-up.
Click here to help prepare a funeral for you or your loved one
St. Vincent De Paul Society
This group assists the poor and the needy in our parish and surrounding community. They manage our parish food pantry and respond to various emergency needs that arise We meet the 1st Monday on each month at 7 pm at the pantry 714 Range St. (the old rectory). We do not meet the months of June and July (summer vacation). Food is collected on the 3rd Sunday of each month.
Click here to find out more about SVDP
Hospital/Nursing Home Ministry
Those involved in this ministry volunteer to visit and bring Communion to people in the hospital and area nursing homes.
Communion Minister to Shut-Ins
Eucharistic ministers take communion, usually on Sundays, to those who are unable to attend Mass.
Respect Life
Share and promote information on the dignity of life.
Click here to visit the Respect Life Page
First Years Ministry
Works with first-time parent/parents of children cradle to three; to serve as a bridge between home and church in those years before families become part of the Early Childhood Learning Academy, Early Religious Education Program, Parish Religious Education Program, or School. Every six months a Parent Letter is mailed to the family. A series of 7 Parent Letters fills the critical need to connect our parish with families right from the start. They provide Catholic wisdom, age-appropriate strategies, timely advice, and heartwarming sentiments in parent-friendly packages.
Giving Tree and Almsgiving Projects
This yearly event is part of SJL’s history! We assist our families, Blue Springs Community Services League, and inner city agencies for Christmas. You can help by assisting in coordinating, bulletin design, sorting and delivery of items.
Job Club
The mission of SJL Job Club is to provide support and networking opportunities for those seeking employment. We meet monthly on the first Wednesday mornings throughout the year.
We Are His Hands and Feet Board
As HIS Hands and Feet, we
Put our FAITH into ACTION
Pray for guidance
Worship together
Serve together offering ourselves to God
Use our Spiritual GIFTS as ONE Body
Our parish offers support to those in our community in need. If you are in need, call the Parish Office at 816-229-3378 and you can find more information at the below for the St. Vincent de Paul Society page.
If you are pregnant or might be pregnant and need support, please contact one of these Pregnancy Resource Centers in the Kansas City Area. Our Respect Life Ministry would be glad to assist you in obtaining resources.