We want to invite you to participate in the transformative practice of Eucharistic Adoration of the Blessed Eucharist. Come and kneel or sit while praying or just spend time with our Lord who is fully present in the Eucharist. Come any time on Mondays 7-7 or Fridays 7-4 PM or sign up for a Holy Hour. If you would like to sign up as an adorer for a Holy Hour each week, a few times a month, or even as a substitute only, you can easily do this by clicking the enroll now button and you will be asked to create an account and enter your information. Anyone enrolled for a Holy Hour or a substitute can sign in and fill any empty slots or accept sub requests. Existing adorers can click below to log in and submit a sub request or contact someone using the "live roster". If you have any questions, please contact John Villaveces at [email protected].
Come any time during adoration or enroll for a Holy Hour. See the Ministry Pro link above to be added to the Ministry Scheduling Program to recieve reminder emails.
When School is cancelled for Winter weather reasons, Adoration is also cancelled.
If School is not scheduled and winter weather advisories are posted, call the church office for more information.
Adoration is not held when the Church office is closed for holidays, such as Christmas or Easter, Thanksgiving, Martin Luther King Day, Independence Day etc. Note that the church offices may be closed on days following these holidays.